Healthy gardens grow from the ground up. Set your garden up for success with the right materials.

Bagged Indoor/Outdoor Soils at Sky Nursery

SOILS & PLANTING MIX | Build a Strong Foundation

Soil is the foundation of your landscape, containers, or indoor garden. It’s the structure that supports your plants’ roots and a reservoir for the water and nutrients they rely on. We carry a wide range of options, including a basic planting mix that's perfect for outdoor beds and landscaping, planting mixes for raised vegetable beds, a generous selection of high-quality potting mixes, and specialized planting media such as cactus mix and orchid bark.

Bagged Amendments at Sky Nursery

AMENDMENTS & COMPOST | Boost Soil Capacity

Whether you’re starting with the existing soil in your landscape or one of our planting mixes, adding compost, lime, and other amendments can help your soil reach its full potential. While they don’t add a lot of nutrients, these soil boosters can loosen up clay soils, “sweeten” acidic soils, improve drainage, and more. No matter how you hope to improve the physical capacity of your soil, we can help you find the amendments you need.

sky nursery organic fertilizer products

FERTILIZERS | Feed your Soil, Feed Your Plants

Fertilizer provides nutrients plants can only get from the soil. We recommend organic fertilizers, which are made from natural materials. They provide a steady supply of nutrients as they break down slowly in the soil. We carry liquid, dry and granulated fertilizers optimized for whatever you want to grow.

Bagged Mulches at Sky Nursery

MULCH | Protect & Make Beautiful

For that finishing touch, add a protective or decorative layer of mulch to the top of your soil. Mulch can be almost anything, including compost, woodchips, beauty bark, or even gravel. The right mulch for you will depend on what you’re growing and your specific goals. A mulch layer can protect your soil from the elements, conserve water, and give your landscape a “finished” look.

Winning Combinations

The perfect soil recipe for you will depend on your existing situation, your project, and your goals. Here are just a few sample recipes for success. Get in touch with us for customized soil solutions.

Landscaping materials sky vegetable raised bed supplies


Soil: existing soil, potting mix, or raised bed mix
Amendments: lime & compost
Fertilizer: organic veggie fertilizer
Mulch: compost, optionally burlap or straw in the Fall

Landscaping materials sky lawncare supplies


Soil: existing soil or planting mix
Amendments: lime & soil building conditioner
Fertilizer: organic granulated lawn fertilizer
Mulch: soil building conditioner

Landscaping materials sky ornamental bed supplies


Soil: planting mix, potting soil, or acidic soil mix for acid-loving shrubs
Amendments: cedar grove compost
Fertilizer: organic tree/shrub fertilizer, or azalea fertilizer for acid-loving shrubs
Mulch: fine, med-fine, or fine dark bark

sky hanging basket supplies


Soil: potting soil
Amendments: none needed
Fertilizer: organic buds & blooms fertilizer (with high phosphorus %)
Mulch: dried moss

Landscaping materials sky succulent and cacti supplies


Soil: cactus mix
Amendments: none needed
Fertilizer: organic cactus & succulent liquid fertilizer
Mulch: decorative stones

Landscaping materials sky indoor planter supplies


Soil: potting soil
Amendments: none needed
Fertilizer: organic indoor liquid fertilizer
Mulch: moss or decorative stones