USDA Zone Changes – How Does this Affect NW Gardeners?

A map of the US showing color ranges for the zones of hardiness for plants. The NW is surprisingly in a similar color range as most of the South, though not as warm as southern california, texas, or florida.

On November 15, 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued an update to its Hardiness Zone Map, moving the Shoreline/North Seattle area from Zone 8b to 9a. The map has long been a useful tool for gardeners to determine which perennial plants are likely to survive their region’s coldest temperatures. Zones are assigned…

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A Gardener’s Winter Solstice

sun in a winter sky

On the winter solstice, the northern hemisphere will be at its furthest tilt from the sun. We’ll mark our shortest day and longest night of 2021 here in the Pacific Northwest on December 21st . Then, our sunrises will creep earlier and our sunsets later. From the winter solstice on, the half of the planet…

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Pest Damage ID Part 3: Who’s destroying my garden?

Creepy crawlies may come to mind first when we think about garden pests, but birds and mammals can sometimes cause us even more trouble. Damage from smaller critters might look like holes or discoloration. But when it comes to uprooted plants, heavily nibbled veggies or flowers, seeds snapped right up out of the ground, or…

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Pest Damage ID Part 1: Who’s chewing holes in my leaves?

If you garden long enough, sooner or later some pest is going to break your heart. Maybe your freshly emerged seedlings will be mowed down to the ground, your favorite flowers will emerge twisted and discolored, or you’ll find an entire shrub defoliated in a matter of days. There are many wonderful and rewarding things…

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Bee Or Not a Bee? A Guide to Flying Garden Friends

  Gardeners know how important bees are to our gardens and our planet, and most of us welcome the ones we recognize. But for all their popularity, bees remain misunderstood. Many people don’t realize just how diverse bees really are. Even many avowed bee-enthusiasts may only picture the classic black and yellow honey bees when…

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Gardening with Kids: Sensory Gardens

Engaging all five senses is a fantastic way of inspiring kids to become lifelong gardeners. Last month, we wrote about how to inspire a love of gardening for the kids in your life. Now, we’re delving into how to create a children’s sensory garden! We’ve even included ideas for plants and projects to help kids…

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Gardening with Kids: How to Grow Lifelong Gardeners

If you are a gardener, or even an aspiring gardener, and you have children in your life, you have a wonderful opportunity to pass along your passion for tending the soil to the next generation. Introducing kids to gardening can inspire a lifelong appreciation for the natural world, not to mention helping kids develop healthy…

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Squirrels: Garden Friend or Foe?

Squirrels: adorable backyard wildlife, or pesky garden pest? It’s a hot debate in some gardening circles, and consensus may not come anytime soon. In polls, squirrels top lists of everyone’s favorite urban wildlife… and they also top lists of the most annoying pests.  But whether you view squirrels as fluffy friends, problem pests, or admirable…

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