Langley Fine Gardens Pt. 1 – Early Spring Favorites

A path in springtime through the Langley garden.

Photo Credit: Langley Fine Gardens Sky Nursery has always been proud to partner with a rich community of local growers offering high-quality plants raised by and for our Pacific Northwest climate. You can check out some of our favorite sustainable and locally-grown seed companies in our blog post here. Today though, we get to share…

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USDA Zone Changes – How Does this Affect NW Gardeners?

A map of the US showing color ranges for the zones of hardiness for plants. The NW is surprisingly in a similar color range as most of the South, though not as warm as southern california, texas, or florida.

On November 15, 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued an update to its Hardiness Zone Map, moving the Shoreline/North Seattle area from Zone 8b to 9a. The map has long been a useful tool for gardeners to determine which perennial plants are likely to survive their region’s coldest temperatures. Zones are assigned…

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5 Weeds 5 Ways

As you prepare your beds for spring planting, you may find yourself yanking out a whole lot of green stuff. From dandelions to shot-weed, uninvited guests proliferate in our gardens before we have even finished sketching out our garden plans.  These hardy wild plants earn their unsavory reputations as “weeds” because they tend to shoulder…

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Soil Acidity in the PNW

hydrangea blossoms of violet, purple and green

Have you heard that you need to “sweeten” your soil, that you should check your soil pH, or that your soil might be too acidic? Many gardeners have heard about soil acidity or soil pH, but not many of us really understand what it means.  It’s an important topic. No matter what else you do,…

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