Want to see how something looks at home, or afraid you might change your mind?

For a full refund, product must be:

  1. Resellable, in original condition (Plants must be unplanted, and in original container)
  2. With proof of purchase (original receipt)
  3. Within the timeline below:

Trees & Shrubs - 30 days
Indoor Plants & Perennials - 30 days
Annuals & Vegetables - 7 days
Hardgoods - 30 days


Sky Nursery has an exceptionally high standard of quality. Because of this, we guarantee all of our products against defects including manufacturing defects, disease & mislabeling. 

To receive store credit under our guarantee, product must be:

  1. Physically returned to the nursery, yes, even if it's dead
  2. With proof of purchase (original receipt)
  3. Within the timeline below:

Trees & Shrubs - 1 year
Indoor Plants & Perennials - 90 days
Annuals & Vegetables - 14 days
Hardgoods - 1 year

fluffy dog standing on two legs.


Attention all good doggos, fluffy babies, etc! Please remind your humans to:

  1. Make sure you're on your best doggie manners! No barking, growling or aggressive behavior.
  2. Keep you on a short leash. Stay at your humans' side at all times. No retractable leashes please.
  3. Clean up after you. Accidents happen. Please make sure Sky stays a safe and tidy space for everyone.


We love our community. We wish we could accommodate every donation request, but unfortunately this is not always possible. We accept donation requests from registered nonprofit organizations from the Shoreline area. Priority is given to educational organizations, including schools.

To request a donation, please submit a signed letter on your organization's letterhead, with a procurement form attached. You may submit it in person, mail it to 18528 Aurora Avenue North, or email a scanned copy to [email protected].

Please include the following information in your request:

  • Organization name.
  • Type of function and its benefit to the community.
  • Requested donation item(s); please be specific.
  • Date the donation is requested.
  • Contact information — must include name, address, and phone number.

Please submit your request at least one month prior to the date the donation is required. Requests will be considered once per year per organization.